A Certain young man was highly frustrated, everything he laid his hand on, and nothing worked, so he concluded that the best thing for him to do was to commit suicide by hanging himself. One early morning this young man took a rope and a stool to a very far bush, when he got there, he saw an uncompleted story building, so he went inside, stood on the stool and hanged the rope on the ceiling. As he was about hanging himself, he saw a shadow that was afar off, so he decided to know what the shadow was by getting closer. To his amazement he saw a young man like him sitting on the ground, and he was shocked to his bones to see a human being in that building. He asked the young man what he was doing in the building. The young man responded by saying that he was tired of life, that was why he came to sit in the building.
The young man that was about to hang himself said, “Why didn’t you stop me from hanging myself?” The other man responded, “Why should I? My own life is more miserable than yours, but I was happy when I saw you about to hang yourself because I saw something that you have that I am in need of.” The other man answered him, “What did you see in me that you don’t care if I die?” The man responded by saying, “I regained hope when I saw you about to hang yourself.”
“Firstly, I saw a nice pair of shoes on you, while I came into this building with rubber sandal. Secondly I saw a pair of new trouser on you and I am wearing short pant. Lastly I saw a nice T-Shirt on you and I came here with a tattered singlet. So my only hope lies in you dying, because if you help me by hanging yourself and you die, all of the things you are putting on will become mine and I will leave this building a fulfilled man.”
The man who was about hanging himself now said, “So the little things that I do not value are important to someone else, he is even willing for me to die” He then decided he was not going to commit suicide anymore. The other man asked him, “Why? And he said, “Because my shirt, trousers, shoes etc are enough reasons to stay alive” He left that building with a conviction, “THERE IS SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR.”