Friend, when I was to publish my first book I had no starting capital to even type my manuscript, but I had one thing called “VISION”. At a point I took a pen and paper and started writing down when the book would be out and the lunching date, without knowing where the fund was going to come from, I didn’t even have  a penny in the account. I fixed 14th July as the date the book would be out of Press. Also I fixed the date of the lunching for 18th of July. Friend, to my greatest surprise, everything started happening fast because of what I saw and wrote down, the book came out from the Press on the 12th of July and the lunching took place on the 18th of July.

Friend with vision anything is possible. You must understand that a vision in your heart is more powerful than money; vision is what secures and guarantees your financial destiny. Being financially destitute is not as bad as being vision destitute. A person who lacks direction in life will end up a failure no matter how much money he may start his life with. Money in itself does not guarantee success. What guarantees success is a clear vision backed by plans and consistent action.

Many people are dabbling in life because they have no clarity of direction. They dabble into whatever comes their way as long as it holds a promise of financial reward.

Friend you are not called to reach everybody, you are called for a certain niche of people, and your vision helps you to live a selective live, which makes visionaries not to be everywhere; visionaries are selective people. They choose with discretion; where to live; what to do; who to marry; number of children and so on…